Dear Grandchildren, Fantasy Grandma will be staying out way past bedtime tomorrow night at DOODz!
Walker dancing, a new song about Jesus, and someone might get to take home a picture of the old pope. Won't you come out and join the fun? It starts at midnight and goes to 3am! RSVP here and make grandma happy:
IF YOU NEED SOME ENCOURAGEMENT, come sit on grandma's lap and we can either talk about it or grandma can just write you a check.
That'll be at Dr. Lisa's Selfie Help Festival next Thursday from 7-9pm.
Now, some of you may be shut-ins due to disability or internet addiction. And that's alright.
Grandma Jane B had the pleasure to sing two songs at the wedding of her beloved grandchildren last week, and you can watch the whole show right here:
Hope to see you soon. Or call anytime. No one ever calls anymore. Spent all day today with the Hydrangea bushes but they just kept texting and watching funny videos on their phones.