Wednesday, May 31, 2023

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Alina Mao 

Sales Manager /Principal
MeiG Smart Technology Co., Ltd

4th road of Zhangba Road, high-tech district, Xi'an,China.

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Potao Express Samples


2011- July 2015
  • Aka  Sapotao and node69
  • Group - Sandworm / Quedagh APT
  • Vectors - USB, exe as doc, xls
  • Victims - RU, BY, AM, GE 
  • Victims - MMM group, UA gov
  • has been serving modified versions of the encryption software (Win32/FakeTC) that included a backdoor to selected targets. 
  • Win32/FakeTC - data theft from encrypted drives
  • The Potao main DLL only takes care of its core functionality; the actual spying functions are implemented in the form of downloadable modules. The plugins are downloaded each time the malware starts, since they aren't stored on the hard drive.
  • 1st Full Plugin and its export function is called Plug. Full plugins run continuously until the infected system is restarted
  • 2nd Light Plugin with an export function Scan. Light plugins terminate immediately after returning a buffer with the information they harvested off the victim's machine.
  • Some of the plugins were signed with a certificate issued to "Grandtorg":
  • Traffic 
  • Strong encryption. The data sent is encapsulated using the XML-RPC protocol.
  • MethodName value 10a7d030-1a61-11e3-beea-001c42e2a08b is always present in Potao traffic.
  • After receiving the request the C&C server generates an RSA-2048 public key and signs this generated key with another, static RSA-2048 private key .
  • In 2nd stage the malware generates a symmetric AES-256 key. This AES session key is encrypted with the newly received RSA-2048 public key and sent to the C&C server.
  • The actual data exchange after the key exchange is then encrypted using symmetric cryptography, which is faster, with the AES-256 key
  • The Potao malware sends an encrypted request to the server with computer ID, campaign ID, OS version, version of malware, computer name, current privileges, OS architecture (64 or 32bits) and also the name of the current process.
  • Potao USB - uses social engineering, exe in the root disguised as drive icon
  • Potao Anti RE -  uses the MurmurHash2 algorithm for computing the hashes of the API function names.
  • Potao Anti RE - encryption of strings
  • Russian TrueCrypt Win32/FakeTC - The malicious program code within the otherwise functional TrueCrypt software runs in its own thread. This thread, created at the end of the Mount function, enumerates files on the mounted encrypted drive, and if certain conditions are met, it connects to the C&C server, ready to execute commands from the attackers.
  • IOC


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$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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Top System Related Commands In Linux With Descriptive Definitions

Commands are just like an instructions given to a system to do something and display an output for that instruction. So if you don't know how to gave an order to a system to do a task then how it can do while you don't know how to deal with. So commands are really important for Linux users. If you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well.
In this blog you will get a content about commands of Linux which are collectively related to the system. That means if you wanna know any kind of information about the system like operating system, kernel release information, reboot history, system host name, ip address of the host, current date and time and many more.


If you know about the command but you don't have any idea to use it. In this way you just type the command, then space and then type -h or --help or ? to get all the usage information about that particular command like "uname" this command is used for displaying the Linux system information. You don't know how to use it. Just type the command with help parameter like: uname -h or uname --help etc.


The "uname" is a Linux terminal command responsible of displaying the information about Linux system. This command has different parameter to display a particular part of information like kernel release (uname -r) or all the information displayed by typing only one command (uname -a).


This command is used to show how long the system has been running and how much load on it at current state of the CPU. This command is very useful when you system slows down or hang etc and you can easily get the info about the load on the CPU with the help of this command.


The "hostname" is the the command in Linux having different parameters to display the information bout the current host which is running the kernel at that time. If you wanna know about the parameters of hostname command then you just type hostname --help or hostname -h to get all the info about the command and the usage of the command.

last reboot

The "last reboot" is the command in Linux operating system used to display the reboot history. You just have to type this command over the Linux terminal it will display the reboot history of that Linux system.


The "date" is the command used in Linux operating system to show the date of the day along with the current time of the day.


The "cal" command in Linux used to display the calendar which has the current date highlighted with a square box along with a current month dates and days just like a real calendar.


The "w" is the command used in Linux distro for the sake of getting the information about current user. If you type this command it will display who is online at the time.


The "whoami" is the command in Linux operating system used to show the information that who you are logged in as. For example if you are logged in as a root then it'll display "root" etc.

finger user

The "finger user" is the command used in Linux distribution to display the information about user which is online currently over that Linux system.

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