Hello grandbabies!
We're giving you the news like Regis Philbin Gives Out Hugs: Hard, Fast and With a Little Crinkle:
Your Fantasy Grandmas Give Royal Baby Advice |
Give Your Grandmas "Special" Cookiesfor Mother's Day |
Your Fantasy Grandmas Help YouWith Your Minimum Wage Woes |
Kim Jong Un, Thank You For Not ExecutingYour Fantasy Grandmas |
Congratulations to Hilary Duff on Joining Tinder |
Myrtle J and Jane B
Your Fantasy Grandmas
Visit your grandmas on
the Pooter: twitter.com/fantasygrandma
the Facial Book: facebook.com/fantasygrandma
Instagramma: instagram.com/fantasygrandma
and Your Tube: youtube.com/fantasygrandma